Customer reviews for Stroud Acupuncture

We care about our patients and are passionate about what we do. We strive to make each session an enjoyable and healing experience. We want our patients to feel comfortable and at ease.

'After ten weeks of (as they used to say) 'the doctors were baffled', I saw Lawrence for an acupuncture consultation. Basically, I was sick from the side effects of prolonged stress with a list of symptoms that were increasingly leaving me miserable, debilitated, dragging myself through mud every day. My GP went straight for the unholy trinity of antidepressants, beta-blockers and sleeping pills (addictive, I was warned). No better, so I booked in for a treatment on the 'Acupuncture' table. Two treatments later, and I feel like the Mr P who was going to hospital in an ambulance with electrodes on my chest and throwing up at the stress of going outside - has gone; and no the acupuncture didn't hurt - as Lawrence uses a Japanese style with very fine needles. I don't know how it works, but 24 hours after climbing off the table I felt better than I had felt in months. The improvement continued day by day with aches and unpleasant symptoms either lessening or simply vanishing. A second treatment, and I don't feel my 50 years, I feel as fit as I did 20 years ago. If you are suffering from something nagging that doctors can't get a grip on or if you're wandering around wondering why you just feel crap and anxious and can't shake it off, give this a go. I have a science background and I like to know how things work. I like evidence. All I can give you is the evidence of my own experience. Two weeks ago, after more than two months of attempted symptom relief by my doctors, I was no better. Two weeks later, after two treatments from Lawrence I feel the best I have felt in years. Based on my profound recent personal experience, I cannot recommend treatment by Lawrence highly enough.' [Mr. P]

'I went to see Lawrence because of severe arthritis in both knees, taking prescription painkillers four times daily and using a stick to walk was very debilitating. I've also suffered from depression and anxiety for the past 10 years to the extent that life was like living in a bubble. I still can't believe that after my first treatment my knee pain disappeared totally, I no longer use a stick and am now painkiller free. After 2 treatments I went on holiday and walked 5 miles every day. My treatments with Lawrence are helping me enjoy life once more. I will be forever grateful.' [Mrs J.]

'I came to see Lawrence for my knees, as I have arthritis in both and was in pain all the time. He worked on them and after the first session one of my knees was feeling much better with no pain and after the second visit the other knee which was the worse one and gave way, is now a lot better with also no pain. It has been years that I have lived constantly with this pain and as I am unable to take pain killers of any type this has been a major relief. I chose this form of acupuncture as I have not tried this one before. I would recommend this to both my family and friends and can confirm my daughter has now started treatment with Lawrence. I will continue to see Lawrence going forward for other aches and pains that I have and hopefully for the continued care of my knees for as long as necessary.' [Mrs D]

'Lawrence has worked a miracle on me. After living in pain for nine years, following two prolapsed discs, I am feeling ten years younger and pain free. I felt totally safe with Lawrence . He is so respectful and professional. Can't recommend him enough.' [Mrs A]

'I suffered with colitis on and off for almost 7 years and have experimented with different diets to try to address this to no avail. After just a single treatment with Lawrence my symptoms improved significantly within a day, then after my second treatment a week later the symptoms disappeared completely! Within 2 days of the first treatment my energy levels were dramatically improved also. I am amazed and profoundly grateful to Lawrence. I have tried many therapies in my life and never really noticed much change, but having had treatment with him I feel assured that there is a solution outside of conventional medicine that really does work and without the need for drugs which have the tendency to create new problems.
Thank you Lawrence!!!! ' [Mrs C]

'I came to Lawrence with chronic inflammation, anxiety and fatigue along with other effects of menopausal hormone changes. I find his gentle intuitive approach, which combines Japanese Acupuncture with Palpation (diagnostic touching of key reflex areas) has given me a much better understanding of what’s going on in my body and has brought about deep and profound shifts in my physical health and emotional well-being. I always feel that I’m in safe hands and completely trust the process, which is subtle yet potent. I walk away totally relaxed and reassured with a strong sense of my body responding and moving into healing, aligning and balancing itself naturally. I’ve found that the anxiety and fatigue have noticeably reduced, my hormones feel more balanced and, as more healing takes place, the inflammation is gradually subsiding.' [Ms O]

'I visited Lawrence whilst having problems with painful periods, severe PMS and hormones clearly all over the place. Lawrence was kind and professional, and his treatments helped incredibly. Within a few months my period pain and PMS had settled down completely, and I felt back to normal again! I no longer have unbearably painful periods and I feel much more relaxed and less anxious. I had previously also visited Lawrence with persistent back pain that no other treatment seemed to shift - except for his acupuncture. I really do think it’s a mixture of medicine and magic! I will continue to visit Lawrence before any other treatment approach as it really does work.' [Ms L]

'I was initially sceptical about anything 'new age'. I had Achilles tendonitis for well over a year and I'd tried everything and this is the only thing that's given me any improvement. I have to say I am shocked. I feel better in myself and I would highly recommend this to anyone, give it a try!' [Mrs T]

'I just wanted to thank you for my acupuncture appointment last Saturday. I hobbled in tired from weeks of pain and left feeling rested, invigorated and with a spring in my step! Whatever you did has certainly alleviated my knee pain and I am now only experiencing the odd twinge which is wonderful.' [Mrs E]

'Fantastic! Lawrence has been very professional and thorough. I had never tried acupuncture previously and was a little sceptical but, having tried a treatment on my knee, the pain has improved every day for the last 5 days after the treatment. I also feel my anxiety has been the best it has been for more than 3 years at this point, so I will be coming back for more!' [Mr D]

‘Acupuncture was recommended to me as a means of regaining flexibility in my ankle after a pilon fracture which resulted in 8 months where bone healing was helped along by metal wires and bolts and the immense amount of subsequent swelling and stiffness in muscle was helped along by exercises suggested by the physio. But after almost 2 years since my accident, I still had swelling, stiffness and an inability to walk the miles I used to in the countryside. Acupuncture changed all that: last weekend, after 2 treatments with Lawrence, I managed seven miles; I can feel a freeing up of muscle tissue and ligaments, deep within the ankle, a greater flexibility and balance. Plus Lawrence treats the body holistically. A long endured problem with irritable bowels - which I wasn't even thinking about when I arrived for treatment - was all measured into the equation and treated with the same importance and respect. That pain is also subsiding... the amount of expertise this requires from a practitioner is difficult to find, and I am so glad our paths crossed. I can highly recommend Lawrence to any person who is facing either new or persistent hurdles with their health and rehabilitation, or feeling anxious about acupuncture as a treatment. It is actually very relaxing!’ [Mrs I]

'Give a Little Whistle - After many years of musculoskeletal problems and recently experiencing general anxiety disorder I became increasingly despairing when conventional treatments for one, seemed to worsen the symptoms of others. I decided to try alternative medicine and booked an appointment to see Lawrence, albeit with no great expectations. Making my way back to the car I found myself whistling, for quite honestly the first time in ages. That night I slept better than I had for years. Over the next few days my back pain improved, my energy levels increased significantly, and my anxiety levels reduced. The changes did seem to lessen after six days, and I was very pleased that I had booked a return visit. I had my second appointment today and I can only hope that the significant improvements continue. In addition, Lawrence was thoroughly professional and went out of his way to make me feel comfortable and I thoroughly recommend him.' [Mr GW ]

'I have had a persistent cough for several years and am susceptible to chest infections and bronchitis. This was my first experience of acupuncture. Lawrence treated me holistically with four sessions and he helped me considerably. He is a kind and gentle man and treats with genuine intention and concern. I recommend him.' [Ms N]

'Hi Lawrence - with regards to my daughter and her hyper-mobility joint pain. You really are our favourite person right now! She walked out of your office after her first treatment and told me she couldn't feel any pain! We just laughed all the way home. She said she feels great, (something I haven't heard her say in a few years), all but a slight twinge in one knee and one shoulder, but nothing much - acupuncture is amazing !' [Mrs S ]

‘Acupuncture with Lawrence is a real treat. I feel more relaxed, more hopeful and much better after the treatment, which is not at all painful. The soft music, warmth and care all contribute to a totally healing experience - a wonderful relief after the trauma of conventional surgery for melanoma. Thoroughly recommended.’ [Mr S]

'I came for a few Japanese acupuncture treatments with Lawrence when on holiday in the area. I felt very much 'under the weather', I was struggling to recover from a prolonged pneumonia which had put me in intensive care and my knees were agony. To be honest, I felt so poorly that I was wondering whether I wanted to keep going on with my life at all. To my amazement after just three treatments, not only were my knees a lot better but my zest for life had returned and I felt back to my old self again, a truly amazing experience. I will be back to see Lawrence for more treatments next time I am in the area!' [Mrs M]

‘Acupuncture with Lawrence has been good for my health issues especially my Fibromyalgia, the fatigue side of the Fibro has improved immensely and my stomach problems have improved so much so that I have been pain free for a few weeks now and my back problems are easing, so hopefully with a bit more treatment my back will feel as good as new. Lawrence is very good and I would highly recommend him.’ [Mrs M]

‘Japanese acupuncture with Lawrence has been a revelation of help and hope for me. I had been in a total state of inflammation for months with terrible eye complaints, tendonitis, aching limbs as well as my 'normal' mild Multiple Sclerosis. After 5 treatments, I am moving much more easily and comfortably, far less exhausted and although 'the fire in my eye' has not yet been completely extinguished, treatment continues. I could not recommend seeing Lawrence more highly.’ [Mrs C]

‘The best acupuncture treatment I've had to relieve my hay-fever symptoms - sinuses less congested making breathing so much easier and pollen tolerance has increased.’ [Ms V]

'Less than an hour after my first treatment I was walking home with a family member. Having struggled with breathing for some months I got the comment that I was walking twice as fast as I had for ages. So pleasant to be able to breathe easily. A long term condition, improved and staying better. The thoroughness of Lawrence and objectivity rooted in a clear deep knowledge of human health is most welcome.' [Mr R]

'I came for acupuncture treatment for my 'tennis elbow' and after having an hour's treatment my husband and I went for a cup of tea. When we got home I saw that some jobs needed doing - and automatically started doing them. I then suddenly realised I was using my arm that previously I couldn't have. So without question, the treatment has been a great help.' [Mrs J]

'Just a thank you Lawrence, I attended for treatment for chronic arthritic pain and was somewhat apprehensive after a decade of physiotherapy, chiropractors, and pain relief. I must admit after the first session I felt different, it was all somewhat surreal with for the first time in years feeling OK. However over the next week without realising it, I had no pain, even my wife commented that there had been a substantial change in my well being. This has changed my life - I feel great, more energy and more active, I couldn’t recommend Lawrence high enough, thank you.' [Mr N ]

'Hello Lawrence - I just wanted to say a massive thank you for my acupuncture sessions. There are many people who believe that acupuncture helps aid fertility, and many women who are going through IVF have acupuncture as it helps blood flow to the uterus and relaxes them during a very tense time. I really believe that the sessions helped me to relax, which is what I needed, and on Friday I found out that I’m pregnant! ' [Mrs A ]

'After years and years of back problems, I thought I had just about tried it all, chiropractors, osteopaths and finally MRI scans and pain killers. What a relief to have discovered acupuncture and a way to manage the pain and get on with my life. What more can I say other than give it a try, what have you got to lose, and you will never meet anyone more helpful and professional than Lawrence .' [Mr R]

‘My work is mostly at a computer keyboard and I suffered many disabling migraines, having to be carried home from the office on one occasion. I had five acupuncture treatments at weekly intervals and, apart from a brief “threatening” episode, I have been clear of migraines for more than two years now. [Mrs A]

'I suffer from PCOS, a hormonal condition that causes issues with so many aspects of my life, and after over 20 years of seeing no improvement at all to my health using conventional medicine, I finally took the plunge and decided to try acupuncture this year. I wish I had tried it 20 years ago, I have honestly never felt so good in my life. I finally feel that my body is responding to something, and for the first time I’ve found a treatment that actually makes me feel better, not 100 times worse. Lawrence actually listens to how I’m feeling and what I feel needs focusing on and each session is altered to give me the best result possible. My energy levels have improved, my hormones appear to be settling down and I have a general feeling of well-being that I have never had before. I have now become a massive advocate for acupuncture and for Lawrence. ' [Ms D ]

'Back in October 2013 I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis on the left side approximately 30cm. I have had several flare ups and always had to resort to steroids to clear it up. My consultant and doctor both told me it was an incurable condition and something I would have to live with. My father in law recommended acupuncture to me and when I had finished rolling around on the floor laughing at him, I reluctantly decided to give it consideration. I booked an appointment to see Lawrence at the end of last January. The treatment is relatively painless and not at all what I had expected. I had two sessions one week apart and have not taken medication since late February. I have more energy, feel more relaxed and am generally a less stressed more relaxed individual than ever before. I am now a believer that the acupuncture has effectively rebooted my immune system and completely cured me. My quality of life has improved no end. Certainly worth £40 every six months or so! [Mr A ]

‘I have suffered with lower back/nerve problems for most of my adult life and my recent episode has been the most painful of all. A lot of strong painkillers, a Tens machine and four sessions of traditional Chinese acupuncture helped to ease the pain slightly, but it has been the few Japanese acupuncture treatments I have received from Lawrence that have resulted in me being able to walk more comfortably and to reduce the amount of drugs I have to take. I would like to say a big thank you to Lawrence for taking the time to treat me and easing my pain. The stress and frustration of not being able to live a normal life has taken it's toll these past month's. Thank you again! Highly recommended, all the best!’ [Mr B]

'I came to Lawrence in excruciating pain, I had had a sickness bug and went back to work too soon and as my job is very physical and I was in awful pain which worsened over two weeks. I tried various pain medications but didn’t like the side effects, so after two weeks somewhat sceptical and in desperation I tried acupuncture. I was in tears from the back pain but the acupuncture was very relaxing and the whole experience was amazing. Some of the needles seemed to go right to the source of the pain even though they were in my feet and elsewhere, and I was stunned that when the treatment was over, I felt so much better. Over the few days since then, I have been steadily improving and have not needed any medication. I went for a second treatment and within a fortnight I was back at work and within another few weeks back to my fully physically demanding lifestyle. The whole treatment was an education for me and I am relieved to find an alternative treatment other than drugs that works. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Lawrence to anyone - he got me back on my feet – it was a fantastic experience! [Mr C]

‘I first visited Lawrence as I had problems with severe back pain and during that consultation we discussed other long standing health problems which I have, including atrial fibrillation. This necessitates taking warfarin and hence regular blood checks with the nurse to ensure accurate dosage. A blood pressure reading is also taken at this time, and I was horrified one day to hear that mine had increased to 176 and I would have to see my doctor to discuss taking blood pressure tablets. I happened to have an appointment with Lawrence the following day and began moaning to him about what had happened, when to my surprise he told me that acupuncture could do something about it and I might not need the tablets - something that had never crossed my mind. True to his word and now more than six months after the treatment my blood pressure, which I check daily, is lower – not bad for an eighty year old pensioner, and not one tablet in sight.’ [Ms J]

'After over six months of severe daily pain, I was at my wits end. I couldn’t even get dressed without help and couldn’t walk because of the pain in my legs. After three treatments with Lawrence, I feel much better and normal life is returning. Now I wonder why I didn’t come sooner and spare myself such a miserable time. Thank You!' [Mr J]

‘I feel I must share the amazing treatment from Lawrence. I went to see him for a very painful wrist due to arthritis. I have had the pain for a number of years and was putting it down to old age (I am 65). My Doctor prescribed painkillers but they were useless and I did not like taking them so regularly. One session with Lawrence and I am delighted to say I am 50% better already! I am hoping and confident that I will get it 100% better! My daughter came along with me as I was a bit apprehensive (I should not have been ) and after the treatment she said " move your wrist Mum" I then turned it round and round and no pain! My face must have been a picture as my jaw dropped and I was speechless, I then started to beam and say over and over “I can move it, I can move it and it is not painful!” The treatment is absolutely painless and Lawrence has such a gentle and caring manner that he puts you at ease if you are a little tense, he also explains everything he is going to do. Do not be afraid to try this treatment, I wish I had gone sooner!’ [Mrs M]

‘Following successful acupuncture treatment for a very painful cracked rib, the result of a violent coughing-fit, I undertook a lengthy series of treatments for faulty vision. Simultaneously, I was treated for painful joints, which I had regarded as age-related deterioration and therefore not open to correction. My vision has improved, enabling me to resume driving at night, and my intra-ocular pressures are consistently lower than they were. Although the joint and muscle pain has not entirely disappeared, the treatment reduced it to comfortable proportions – it doesn’t wake me up any more – where it now remains. Unexpectedly, I have noticed other changes, for example I no longer need an afternoon nap; most interesting of all, perhaps, is the re-awakening of my short-term memory, a subject I’d almost forgotten about! [Mr J]

'I've been a patient of Lawrence's for a number of years. My main problem has been Crohn's Disease which has been kept at bay by having an acupuncture treatment once every six months. Lately I've been having problems with my hands, which is really self inflicted as I've taken up the guitar late in life (I'm 62). I really was getting great pain especially in the left hand, but now after treatment the pain is gone and the whole hand is more supple and capable. Unfortunately it hasn't made me a better musician! Many many thanks Lawrence.' [Mr T]

'I've recently had two acupuncture treatments and I'm so glad I did. This Japanese acupuncture is very gentle and there is no need for anyone to feel fearful of such ultra-fine needles. I had been suffering from post-viral weakness and everything was too much trouble. I'm delighted to find that my energy levels have returned to normal. I had also been suffering from acute heartburn, after the surgical removal of my gall bladder. It's such a relief to be freed of this. I would encourage anyone to try acupuncture for any ailment.' [Ms M]

‘After suffering with sciatica for over five weeks a friend suggested that I should try acupuncture as an alternative solution. I was at the point of despair and as visits to my GP had not helped, I decided to give it a go in desperation. Lawrence was recommended to me. I was slightly sceptical whether it would work, but after only one treatment I could feel a difference, the pain was much improved and continued to improve on a daily basis. I wish I had tried it sooner.’ [Mrs A]

'I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease/Colitis two years ago having suffered with the symptoms for 6 years since around the time of having an operation, when it was found that there were cellular changes in the oesophagus due to long term acid reflux. Conventional medicine has been a great help in treating the worst symptoms (bleeding etc.), but has also created numerous side effects. I came to acupuncture because I could not countenance taking more and more drugs to counteract these side effects. I came to acupuncture with no previous experience and did not know what to expect. Lawrence's assessment and physical examination dealt with the whole body as an entity and not just with the symptoms I was exhibiting. I have now been for four treatment sessions and have already begun to be less tired, less depressed and less in pain than I was. Generally I have begun to regain a feeling of well being. The main fear I had was the idea of having needles inserted but actually when you see them they are extremely thin and most of the times you don’t even feel them going in at all. Lawrence explains everything before he does it and is very reassuring and confident. The surroundings are pleasant and I always feel relaxed and well cared for. This type of acupuncture seems to reach the parts that other therapies don’t seem able to touch!' [Mr T]