Helpful self-treatments for lingering pathogens
Useful acupressure massages and a Vitamin D3 protocol to help free the body of retained pathogens of many types. Helpful for brain fog, fatigue, post-viral symptoms and many other health problems.
10/21/20241 min read

A pathogen is a virus, bacteria or other microorganism that causes disease or un-wellness to a host. When our body is attacked by an external pathogen, our immune system gears up to fight off the organism. If the body is unable to completely fight off the pathogen, it will remain in the body or various locations in the body and its tissues. This is a lingering pathogen. This provokes an incessant immune response to contest with the pathogen, which can create chronic low-grade inflammation, general un-wellness, and sometimes other strange symptoms which can all be very draining on our body and its energy reserves or lead to dysfunction or illness. Ancient principles of Chinese medicine teach us that these situations involving lingering pathogens need to be resolved to restore optimum health.
Please click on the button below to download a self-help article, which describes some useful self-massages to help eliminate lingering pathogens, but also a very powerful, but simple Vitamin D3 protocol by Dr Omura.
Whilst the scope of the various beneficial effects of his Vitamin D3 protocol are too numerous to outline in this article, the important thing to know is that various viruses, bacteria, fungi, single cell parasites, beta-amyloid, toxic/heavy metals (Lead, Mercury, Arsenic, Cadmium, Aluminium, Etc.), asbestos and other foreign particles (which can be breathed into the lungs and nasopharyngeal area and embed in those tissues), as well as other toxic substances, are excreted efficiently from the body in various excretions such as urine, sputum, etc. whilst undergoing this protocol, leading to this protocol being considered a suitable method of clearing a Lingering Pathogen from the body. It also has a significant effect on improving blood circulation to all body tissues and can be considered an excellent method for general health care, even if someone is not specifically trying to clear pathogens from the body.
Stroud Acupuncture acknowledges and thanks Tonika Health of Australia for this extract. A full version of this information (aimed possibly more at acupuncturists) can be found at:-
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Stroud Acupuncture
The Rosery
Highfield Road